Beerburrum Commercial Solar System
Nothing 'fishy' went into this Fish Farm's Commercial Solar System
Solar System
DC Couple
Battery Ready
Saved Per Year
The client, who came to us through a referral, initially interacted with Energy Solution Centre by scheduling a number of showroom appointments. This referral led them to seek our expertise.
Their initial interaction with us was driven by a specific need. They were on the verge of launching a new fish breeding business on the sunny coast and needed comprehensive advice. They sought guidance on not only finding a reliable installer but also on choosing a reputable company that could meet their unique requirements. We began the process by designing a tailored solution, followed by a thorough site inspection, and further meetings to finalise the details.
What made this interaction unique was the client's ambitious energy goals. They were determined to build a powerhouse of a system that would not only negate their power bills but also offer a robust solution with the capacity to add batteries for future expansion.
The installed system has been performing exceptionally well, generating a significant amount of power, thanks to the optimisers used. The client is now ready to take their energy strategy to the next level by incorporating energy storage.
After much deliberation, we settled on an array of more than 70 Trina TallmaxM Solar Panels connected strategically to three SolarEdge Three Phase 10kWh Hybrid Inverters which will enable DC connectivity to the storage solution we plan on providing in the second stage of this project. Behind each solar module, rests a P505 SolarEdge Optimiser which will ensure each panel is consistently producing the most efficient amount of power and isolating any panels affected by shade from the remainder of the array.
The system's success is evident as it is currently going "gangbusters," meeting the client's energy needs and providing a reliable source of power for their fish breeding business. This project serves as a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that meet our client's unique requirements.
They say pictures speak a thousand words, and although we believe this to be true, in addition to exploring the gallery from this commercial solar installation, below are Google Reviews left after the completion of our installations.
Want a system like this but don't know just how big or small? Check out our FREE Solar Battery Online Calculator below.
System Details
Location | Beerburrum, QLD |
System Size | 32.4kW |
Solution | Trina TallmaxM Solar Panels SolarEdge Three-Phase Hybrid Inverters P505 SolarEdge Optimisers Smart Energy Meter |
Carbon Displacement Per Year | 40.1 tons |
Energy Output Per Year | 50,180kWh |
Annual Savings | +$10,413 |
Payback Period | 4 Years |
Main Reasons for Purchase | Eliminate the maximum amount from Energy Bills Build a system to allow for batteries in the future |