Is A Home Solar Battery Worth It?

Energy Solution Centre investigates whether a home solar battery is worth it on the Gold Coast, Australia.

Ask the Gold Coast Home Solar Battery Experts

As a popular and locally trusted home solar battery installer on the Gold Coast, oftentimes we are asked and sometimes challenged on whether a home solar battery is worth it.

This is a great question and most valid and the short answer is that ‘it depends’.

To elaborate on this short answer, in this blog we will explore several factors that can help Gold Coast homeowners and Queenslanders alike decide for themselves if a home solar battery is worth it for them.

To assist Gold Coast homeowners, we will delve into how a home solar battery affects nighttime use, how a home solar battery can support your home during a blackout via power protection features, the impact a home solar battery can have on your home’s energy usage during peak periods when prices and fees are the highest, and a lucrative method to drastically reduce your return on investment while supporting the above features.

How A Home Solar Battery Works At Night

There used to be a time when Gold Coast solar systems were producing enough excess power and sold said power back to the grid for between $0.40 - $0.60 per kWh of energy.

And when it came to purchasing power back off the grid, you would do so for anywhere between $0.17 - $0.26 per kWh.

We are no mathematicians but the old adage of buy low sell high definitely applied in this case, making a Gold Coast solar home battery not worth it…until now.

These days, Gold Coast solar systems continue to produce enough excess power to sell it back to the grid, however, due to more supply than demand during the daytime, they are seeing returns of $0.03 - $0.12 per kWh of energy sold.

Only to buy it back in the evening for $0.23 - $0.33 per kWh… seems to us that the buy low sell high has reversed, and consumers are left holding the bag.

Some might even go as far to say that a home solar battery seems worth it now.

Enabling Power Protection with a Home Solar BatteryM

As mentioned, Energy Solution Centre has been the leader in solar battery installations on the Gold Coast for the past several years.

So what does it mean to enable power protection?
Using a battery to protect circuits can be an effective way to provide backup power in the event of a power outage or other electrical disruption.

A battery-based circuit protection system typically consists of a battery, an inverter, and a transfer switch. The battery stores electrical energy, which can be used to power the load during an outage.

Part of all the home solar battery installations we do, we ensure that we have your critical circuits connected to your home solar battery.

Generally, this means your fridge/freezer, lights, and internet as a minimum will have power during any power loss to your property.

To take things a step further we will set reserves in your home solar battery system to enable power protection to function correctly.

Additionally, depending on your chosen home solar battery solution, it is possible to elect for additional appliances to be power protected, please note that more loads on your power protection circuits will result in the battery depleting at a faster rate.

How a Home Solar Battery can SAVE you MONEY!

Many Gold Coast homeowners may have noticed by now that since July of 2021, energy retailers had begun charging certain fees, increased rates and even penalties for high power usage between the hours of 4pm and 9pm.

With many Gold Coast families, a routine of coming home, cooking dinner, bathing, using heating/cooling appliances, etcetera is all commonplace between these selected hours.

However, if you are equipped with a home solar battery, your battery will not only discharge once your usage exceeds solar production as the day ends, but with many manufacturers and models of home solar batteries, it will have the ability to provide surges of power to offset spikes in your usage.

This particularly comes in handy when electric stoves/ovens are switched on, when hot water systems boosters kick in, or when you arrive home during the summer months and crank the AC.

Not only will this reduce your impact on the environment, but you will also be reducing the impact on your wallet.

Another reason why home solar batteries are worth it.

How a Home Solar Battery can MAKE you MONEY!

Generally speaking, the questions we are commonly asked around home solar batteries Gold Coast are to do with “how much money will I save?” or “how long until I get my money back?”.

What we very rarely are asked, is how can I make money off of my battery?

The answer is quite simple, via a Virtual Power Plant or VPP.

As solar energy advances, virtual power plants (VPP) and battery aggregation (energy sharing) are becoming more prevalent. They can help households increase efficiency and reduce the cost of their solar panel PV and battery systems.

An energy-sharing network is formed by batteries connected through a VPP.

While we believe in energy autonomy and building systems to run independently from the grid as much as possible, there are some cases where a VPP-enabled solar home battery is the perfect choice for a client.

We offer several VPP-ready solar home batteries, including:

So, Are Home Solar Batteries Worth It?

From our experience, when a client approaches our team regarding getting a solar home battery Gold Coast for their home, we take the time to discover their energy and financial goals before marrying them to the perfect energy solution and power management methods making their purchase of a home solar battery worth it.

So, talk to the team today to learn more about the different home solar battery manufacturers, features, and energy management capabilities to ensure you are getting the right home solar battery for you.

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